Lovely fragments

Photos: Reannon Smith

Voxfrock Rookie photographer Reannon Smith worked flat-out on Melbourne Fashion Festival, crewing in exotic locations with renowned international fashion photographer Sonny Vandevelde, shooting iconic designer Nevada Duffy’s store launch and recording across backstage and runways all week. Her aesthetic is always poetic and here, she’s confined her expression and palette to minimalist black and white so her images have the lilt of lovely fragments about them, fleeting moments delicately frozen. This is one curated view of Reannon’s week that was. Bon appetit.

Meet the rookie

Reannon Smith (below) is a freelance photographer specialising in fashion, architecture and product shoots. She often works in the manner of visual poetry, capturing the small moments and details which collectively depict the overall subject. For the Melbourne Fashion Festival 2021, Reannon has also been part of a small crew of Voxfrock Rookies selected to assist world renowned photographer Sonny Vandevelde and his team to shoot three digital fashion films and later, IRL runways on the festival’s physical programme. This is Reannon’s second turn on the Voxfrock Rookie crew.
Photographer Reannon Smith

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