Guest Voxfrockers Estelle Michaelides and Kayla Piccolo scoured the teaming paths and plazas outside VAMFF‘s Royal Exhibition Building venue, antennae up, radars pinging for the uncommonly chic and spectacularly turned-out among thousands of party guests and show-going punters. On VAMFF’s momentous Day One, here’s who they stopped, shot, and asked; “what does style mean to you?”.The lovely Natalie, for example, (main photo above), answered; “Style is timelessness” and had obviously dressed with that in mind…


From left: Peri Jenkons: "Wearing whatever you want." Alice Edgeley: "Whatever you're comfortable in and making sure it's not what what everyone else is wearing." Kathryn Jamieson: "Sophisticated, at ease with yourself and have fun with it." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

From left: Peri Jenkons: “Wearing whatever you want.”
Alice Edgeley: “Whatever you’re comfortable in and making sure it’s not what what everyone else is wearing.”
Kathryn Jamieson: “Sophisticated, at ease with yourself and have fun with it.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo


Jade Wang: "To just be you." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Jade Wang: “To just be you.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Isabella: "Be unique." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Isabella: “Be unique.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Vincent: "Being comfortable in your own skin". Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Vincent: “Being comfortable in your own skin”. Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Megan Quinn: "Not following any trend. Move to the beat of your own drum." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Megan Quinn: “Not following any trend. Move to the beat of your own drum.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo


Popular blogger Jess - What Would Karl Do? - Dempsey: "Being fashion confident and believing in your own unique style." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Popular blogger Jess – What Would Karl Do? – Dempsey: “Being fashion confident and believing in your own unique style.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Lisa Hamilton: "To just be yourself." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Lisa Hamilton: “To just be yourself.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Graeme Lewsey, VAMFF CEO: "Restraint but with a sophisticated lense." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Graeme Lewsey, VAMFF CEO: “Restraint but with a sophisticated lense.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Tennille Burt: "Elegance with a twist." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Tennille Burt: “Elegance with a twist.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Meg Waldron: "Classic black pieces, it is Melbourne after all!" Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Meg Waldron: “Classic black pieces, it is Melbourne after all!”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Suzanne Carbone: "Being who you are." Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Suzanne Carbone: “Being who you are.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo


Click back for more of Estelle and Kayla’s Street Chic reports as VAMFF unfolds.

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