(PHOTO, tOP: Bernard Gueit MAKEUP: Sue Marshall HAIR: Carl Reeves MODEL: Paris@londonmanagement JEWELLERY: Keiko Uno ring)

Just for fun, on a slow summer arvo recently, five Voxfrockers tallied all the body bits we did NOT inherit from our parents. As you do:

Fake fingernails: 20
Fake hair pieces: 3 (on one head)
Fake eyelashes: 2 sets
Fake boobs: 1 set
Not to mention: Botox-smoothed smile lines (1 set), tattoo-ed eyebrows (1 set), and a full complement of cosmetically-enhanced dials, dyed hair do’s, Spanxed bottoms (ok, 2), generously padded brassieres and high-heel-boosted height-to-weight ratios (3). (Fakers R Us, and gorgeous for it !)

Which brings me neatly around to this week’s Beauty Spot product-and-or-trend: fake bottom lashes. Local lash brand MODELROCK commissioned renowned hair and makeup artist Sue Marshall to spruik theirs and she’s tracked the bottom fad back 40 years; “This trend borrows inspiration from the 1960s ‘Mod eye’ and supermodel Twiggy’s doll-like, doe-eyed flutter.”
The Voxfrockers are suckers for a doe-eyed flutter so, utterly convinced Miss Marshall is 100 per cent right. The ubiquitous fake top lash trend will indeed, be profoundly matched by a fake bottom lash trend in 2015. “The trend brings the focus back to the lashes,” Miss Marshall says, “And, as we know, there is nothing more dramatic and transformative in eye makeup than false eyelashes.”

Sue Marshall's MODELROCK bottom lash technique applied for  Charlotte Jane of Maverick Models.

Sue Marshall’s MODELROCK bottom lash technique applied for Charlotte Jane of Maverick Models.

MODELROCK makes Twiggy-esque lashes in eight styles from “very natural” and “barely there” to “dramatic, statement lashes”. Miss Marshall warns, however, there is a fine line between dewy-gorgeousness and over-the-topness. Simple makeup, fastidious application and knowing a lash-worthy day from a non-lash-worthy day are crucial skills to complement happy lashing. “By applying individual false lashes, which are virtually undetectable, false lashes are wearable every day,” Miss Marshall says. “For the bottom lash trend, I would save these for night wear or special events; try adding a bottom lash like MODELROCK Lashes Angel Tips…or you can sweep thick liner on the upper lid for a graphic, modern look then add apply your MODELROCK Lashes and a few coats of mascara to the bottom lashes.” For a fashionable lashing, go to www.modelrocklashes.com

Janice Breen Burns, jbb@voxfrock.com.au


Fancy more? Below, Sue Marshall shares her pro-tips for applying the new generation of bottom fake lashes:

1. Always curl your upper lash prior to applying your liner or eye makeup. Always apply the top lash first. I always dry fit any false lash to the eye first just in case I may need to trim them. Trim with small scissors or a pair of sterile nail clippers. Always trim the outer edge of a false lash.
2. After ensuring your eye makeup and liner is complete, add a little glue to the end of your tweezers and swipe your tweezer across the base of the bottom false lash. This controls the amount of glue applied. Add a little more glue to either end of your false lash this helps adhere to the outer edges of your eye where there is the most movement when you smile etc. Wait until the glue is a little tacky to the touch. Then you are ready to start application.
3. Looking straight at the mirror, take either end of your lower lash and start placing it at the base of your eye – underneath your lashes. Try to adhere the middle of the lash to the centre of your lower eye first then you can release one end and press that end onto the skin under the lashes on the eye. Repeat with the other end of the lash. Ensure the entire lash is adhered to your skin. Wait for the glue to dry. Try not to move your eye around too much while the lash glue is drying….then Voila!
4. Add some extra mascara by using your mascara wand vertically. That way you have more control of the amount of mascara you use and also less chance of irritating smudges around your eye..
5. Then apply your liner lightly to the glue on the lash to make sure it blends with your lash line.

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