Spring’s Sprung. Racks full. Bombshells launched. Voxfrock reports.


Spring’s battle of the bombshells is done and dusted. Who’s the prettiest? The classiest? The most marketable, most likely to spur cracking sales on her host store’s spring racks?
Who’s the bomb, in other words? The spring 2013 Bomb Shell?
Voxfrock took a vote (four delegates present) and called a draw. Jess and Jen are bombshells equally worth their exhorbitant fees. Miss Gomes is a mature and masterly multi-racial mix of modern marketable box-ticking beauty and Jennifer Hawkins is…like…you know….she’s JEN! Nuff said. Photographer Lucas Dawson’s portrait of Our Jen, (main picture, top) says it all. If and when she is replaced by Myer’s version of a modern marketing box-ticker, Voxfrock will shed four small tears for the  passing of the last Blonde Bombshell Next Door.


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Voxfrock’s gallery of shiney happy people shot at last night’s Myer Spring Fashion Launch also reads remarkably like the same lovely river that flowed into David Jones Spring Fashion Launch a week ago. Same ripped pins, nutbrown tans, glamourous frocks, dazzling smiles. Only a slight variance of A-listers and wholly different designer lineup, natch.
Inside Sydney’s vast Fox Studios venue, Myer’s Blessed 500 guests formed orderly lines either side of a 48 metre pale runway with its glittering, layered edge multi-coloured like outback earth. A brace of cellists fused real music with the customary electronic as Miss Hawkins in Manning Cartel and model entourage stalked the first thematic battalion of summer whites, sky blues and patterns inspired by indiginous art.
Voxfrock was intrigued, as the show unrolled, by some decisions made by stylist Jolyon Mason. Handbags on hobo sticks spring to mind as we write. So do the beekeeper white shrouds, and Toni Maticevski’s masterful sculptural manipulations of fabric – so chic! so glamourous! – topped with….cowboy hats? Voxfrock’s wont is to encourage mind-jolting innovation wherever it can be achieved. However. No, no, and no, to sticks, shrouds and hats.
We digress again.


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In closing, we note with satisfaction that Wayne Cooper’s Brave brand, and Dom Bagnato’s and Arthur Galan’s menswear edits resolved into smashing group shots involving handsome Myer ambassador Kris Smith and attendants. See if you do not agree….here

Dom Bagnato

Dom Bagnato



And  here…..

Wayne Cooper

Wayne Cooper


Voxfrock also admits Myer’s stable of exclusive Australian fashion labels is heavy with our team’s current favorites including Maticevski, Arthur Galan AG, Dom Bagnato, Nicola Finetti, Ellery, Karen Walker, Sass & Bide, Yeojin Bae and Jayson Brunsdon. All consummate practitioners of the frocky arts.

And another thing, before we depart: while your average department store fashion buyer’s job, to stock thousands of racks with clothes considered gob-smackingly expensive by large chunks of their target market, strikes Voxfrock as nightmareish in the extreme, this spring lot did look quite marvellous and lovely, and thrilling, and chic and elegant, in its natural, catwalk state surrounded by glitter and smiling, happy A-listers.

Compiled by Janice Breen Burns, jbb@voxfrock.com.au, with Candice Burke, info@voxfrock.com.au

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