Melbourne Spring Fashion Week is firing on all cylinders Dear Reader, and your ever resourceful Voxfrockers have been flat-chat, dashing between runway glamouramas, arty installations and ever-so-serious business info thingamies on your behalf.

Your erstwhile editor, Janice Breen Burns, even inserted herself into a public debate, lost despite a feisty fight, got the vapours, and took this Hump Day for a recuperative lie down.

In her absence, the Voxfrocker mice compiled this pictorial essay of MSFW’s first half, composed from a much larger and remarkable body of work by the event’s official photographers, Wes Nal, Thomas Walk and Phillip Papadis of WeAreHobo.

Normally, Voxfrock would squeeze such a schizenload of photographs into a cramped matrix gallery and demand that you click-to-enlarge click-to-enlarge click-to-bloody-enlarge-again, Dear Reader, but in this rare case, and in the continued absence of Mrs. Breen Burns, we have opted for full plate disclosure of every evocative, informative, lovely shot by the WeAreHobo crew. Bless their lenses.

So brace, Dear Reader, to scroll, scroll, scroll and plunge down, down, down like Alice through days One, Two, Three, Four and Five of MSFW 2013….You won’t regret the single, slow minute it takes to hit bottom…..




Student dream...

Student dream…



Spring racewear in the City Square Hub for David Jones

Spring racewear in the City Square Hub for David Jones



Kong costume

Kong costume


Nylon fantasies

Nylon fantasies


The Hub

The Hub


Paper creations at Madam Virtue

Paper creations at Madam Virtue


Ben Sherman

Ben Sherman


"..not another frock show....!"

“..not another frock show….!”



Mrs. Breen Burns, debator, takes the floor in the Town Hall

Mrs. Breen Burns, debator, takes the floor in the Town Hall


"...Are those real....?"

“…Are those real….?”

Doing what's expected at the public launch of The Fashionable Cocktail...

Doing what’s expected at the public launch of The Fashionable Cocktail…


Giving runways a run for their money, Melbourne style

Giving runways a run for their money, Melbourne style



Coffee in a blast of spring...

Convivialation in a blast of spring sunshine…


Oh, really....?

Oh, really….?


That's all for now, folks. Five days down, four to go. Yep, in Melbourne, the weeks are longer, goddammit.

That’s all for now, folks. Five days down, four to go. Yep, in Melbourne, the weeks are longer, goddammit.


Compiled by Terry Carruthers, Candice Burke and two others, info@voxfrock.com.au, intern@voxfrock.com.au




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