We Are Frocking

Yes we are Dear Readers, your 2019 Voxfrock Rookie crew is frocking on all cylinders across VAMFF‘s backstage, front rows, zed rows, runways and the streety chic on the Royal Exhibition Building’s seething Plaza.

Take a tick out of every day this week to click the best work by fashion’s future journalists and influencers Ash B, Molly Jones and Atusa Moghaddam mentored by veteran editor and MFF board director Janice Breen Burns and of rookie photographers Ben Macri, Ellisha Kriesl and Annabelle Lim mentored by the legendary Monty Coles.  

First up though, we’re also blessed to share the exquisite work of former Voxfrock Rookie and prodigy of Monty Coles’ historic talent,  Zhongda (Sam) Wang who recorded David Jones’ spectacular opening gala (photo essay below) from his unerringly unique angles. So, bon appetit and, happy VAMFFing from the Voxfrockers!

Photographs: Zhongda (Sam) Wang. All fashion: David Jones



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