Posh Tea:

Thursday, May 9, 10.30 am. – 12.30 pm. Myer Melbourne’s Mother’s Day Morning Tea will be held in its elegant Mural Hall with guest host, the delightfully bouncy Catriona Rowntree. Entertainment will include a live perfomance by stars of hit musical Legally Blonde and cake-based on-stage shenannigans by contestants and host Shane Jacobson of television show “The Great Australian Bake Off”. Dainty sandwiches and sweeties will be served on Royal Albert, with Lindt chocolate and Grant Burge wines also contributing to the unique, Parisien-esque experience. Myer donates $10 to the Beyond Blue charity from every ticket, $90, sold at myer.eventix.com.au.

Myer Mural Hall, Level 6, Myer store, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne, Victoria.

Crystal balldate:
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4 and 5. Colourways’ annual Australasian Trend Forecast Workshop for designers, manufacturers, retailers and media related, creative industies, will present its comprehensive trend direction reports, market analysis and colour training with a cast of expert guest speakers introduced by host, managing consultant Kim Chadwick. The workshop is available to members only, however Colourways offers a 10 percent discount on new memberships (about $400) to those purchasing a ticket to the two-day event. An “early bird” special, ending on Sunday, May 5, also offers workshop tickets at $690 (plus GST), a tastydiscount on the full price of $810 (plus GST). Participants will also receive a Colourways Trend Forecast Findings Kit valued at over $300 for no extra cost. Colour@colourways.com.au, www.colourways.com.au
Encore, St. Kilda Sea Baths, 10 –18 Jacka Boulevard, St Kilda, Victoria.

Park it:
Saturday, May 4, 12.30 – 1.30 pm. Fashion designer Megan Park and interior stylist Megan Morton will host an all-in chatette about their upcoming collaboration. Ms Morton’s book “Things I love” will be available for sale ($49) and signing, and Ms. Park will give the first 10 customers to purchase from her ready-to-wear autumn winter collection, a handmade bookmark to pop between their pages.
Megan Park Boutique, 1039 High Street, Armadale, Victoria.



Scarf it:
Saturday, May 11, 2 pm. to 4 pm. Eclettica boutique will host a free workshop demonstration of the tricky arts of scarf tying. The skills aren’t widely known but, if practiced with a little creative nouse, can lift any ensemble out of the ordinary. Bookings are essential, not least so that style doyennes Alexia and Sophie, can estimate requisite numbers of flutes and sparkling wine. Participants should bring their favorite scarf, a friend or two if they like, and a commitment to relax and have fun. Arrival at 2 pm., presentation 2.30 pm., and “free styling” from 3 until 4 pm; info@eclettica.com.au, (02) 8021 5178
164 Edgecliff Road, Woollahra.

Thursday, May 2, to June 15. Breathe Into, an exhibition of contemporary works by COTA (Courtesy Of The Artist) Gallery, includes a single, unique example of each participating artist’s signature style. COTA is sister gallery of the Strand Arcade COTA store, and the planned online COTA Journal of art, design, gastronomy, fashion and related creative disciplines. Gallery@courtesyoftheartist.com, (02) 8354  1398
COTA Gallery, 10b Fitzroy Place, Surry Hills.

Compiled by Terry Carruthers with Candice Burke, info@voxfrock.com.au

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