She’s gobsmackingly gorgeous and waiting for you to drop by. Janice Breen Burns plumbs the backstory of the NGV Triennial’s prettiest exhibit. (This story first appeared in Spectrum, The Saturday Age…
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The Bendigo Art Gallery’s Piinpi – Contemporary Indigenous Fashion exhibition is unmissably marvellous, a revolution shot through with politics, ancient history and peekaboo portholes into fashion’s future. Get a wiggle on…
“Yes!” say more savvy fashion consumers everyday. Renting fits fashion’s ethical sustainable future plan and offers dynamic ever-changing wardrobe choices for devotees at less cost. Who wouldn’t? VidiChat producer: Atusa Alexandra…
Fashion’s future may be paused for now but expect fireworks when this lot gets cracking writes Janice Breen Burns. This story first appeared in Nine Media The Age/Sydney Morning Herald Five…
“When this is all over, we’re going to want to dress up…” Roger Leong. Pictured, model Helena Witte in Jason Grech classic blue gown. Helena is managed by The Talent Buro.…
Calling all Villanelle tragics. Season Three of Killing Eve is now streaming on ABC iview. Limber up for another round of viciously good fashion with Janice Breen Burns’ reprise of the…
The fashion revolution was underway way before this, writes Janice Breen Burns. Main photo: Romance Was Born by Lucas Dawson Photography, shot at the 2020 Melbourne Fashion Festival. This story first…
Before Voxfrock snaps VAMFF 2020 shut for good, a final compilation of fleeting moments by Reannon Smith, one of our 10-strong crew of rookie photographers and journalists filing from this historic…