Another carpet, another river of awfully nice frocks. (Little yawn.) Voxfrock is chuffed to start a spanking new year with a red carpet wrap; who wouldn’t be? But really, how many va-voom column/fishtailed boom-shakka goddess gowns can the average frocky person stomach? The Voxfrockers are spoiled brats; it is true. We demand far more imagination and creativity (more! more!) than the average gown-designing-guru-type-person apparently has to give. But, is it not time (we ask in that bratty, whiney way we do), red carpet traffic switched up to a fresher, more surprising, more Mo-Dern aesthetic? The red carpet default gown has been goddess too-too long. Yes! Jaded R Us red carpet people! Even the list of goddess-variations worth mentioning in any critique is horribly shrunken after a decade of flogging, ie: sparkly/not sparkly, strapless/not strapless, fishtailed/not fishtailed, bits missing/no bits missing. Etcetera. (That said, the goddess is still marvelously applicable in a few rare sartorial orbits: ie: Heidi Klum today in red – Hell- O!
or, Kate Hudson in white – Whoa!)
As is our wont, this Voxfrocker summary of the Golden Globes’ axminster traffic includes only those gowns which, in our humbles, deserve notoriety for their genuine loveliness, cleverness, suitability-to-the-wearer-and-occasioness and not-goddessness. As our dear Voxfrockers on the other side of the masthead know, we don’t do negative critique, we veer clear of bitchy barbs (despite that on many occasions, we are sorely tempted) and, most vital of all, we don’t indulge in the hysteria whipped up around certain persons of a celebrity persuasion. (Hence, Mr. and Mrs. Clooney do not appear here though the latter’s frock was, yes, very nice. Not remarkable, but very nice.) This is a civilised office, and here below is our civilised distillation – our pix list – of the only GG frocks worth mentioning. Bon appetit.
Compiled by Janice Breen Burns, with Terry Carruthers,