There’s a new K in town and Alexia Petsinis elbowed her way onto the cacaphonic front line to bring Voxfrockians this on-the-spot report
Photographs: Joshua Montebello
“I love her because she’s, like, such a totally confident and amazing woman,” exclaimed one excited teen. “She’s got an amazing style – I want to look just like her,” gushed another, fighting back tears.
“She’s just so damn hot,” this from a male admirer.
There was one word, or rather one letter on the lips of hundreds of fans who dashed to Highpoint Shopping Centre today for a glimpse of their favourite Kardashian entity – the one, the only, Ms Khloe K!
She is in town (albeit briefly) to celebrate the highly anticipated arrival of another ‘Kardashian Kollection’, the fashion range including denim and day wear, handbags, shoes, jewellery and hosiery inspired by the L.A sister-socialites’ love of the “the real woman”. Sealed with glossy kisses and that signature double ‘KK’ trademark redolent of all things fabulous and L.A. chic, it is stocked in stores including David Jones, Harris Scarfe, Strand Bags, Novo and Victoria Station luggage.
Today, Khloe K. dispelled any preconceptions of that fiery reality TV star who first entered our lounge rooms in crumpled track pants and fur-trimmed Ugg boots. She was every bit the refined fashionista and L.A. style icon, the heroine of a sea of screaming fans, many of whom had granted themselves an afternoon off school. In plunging ‘V’ cut cream silk top and pastel floral pants from the Kardashian Kollection, the 29 year old exuded the confident ‘va-voom’ of a woman happily living her life in the public eye.
“I’m really excited to be here in Melbourne,” she said, brushing aside a thick curl from the gravitational pull of a stickily glossed pout. ‘Fashion Designer’ is now a tag the youngest Kardashian daughter-dynamo can add, with some casual nonchalance, to a list of titles achieved (without sisterly assistance, thanks very much) including business woman, author, socialite and television personality.
“It’s her first time in Melbourne,” said Bruno Schiavi, designer and president of Jupi Corporation which partnered with the sisters to bring their Kardashian Kollection to Australia. “She is really an amazing business woman and up there with some of the world’s most fashionable people right now.” Best of all, this Kardashian Kollection has hit racks just before the dawn of the silly season, a time when K.K. (Kris Kringle) by K.K. can be a radically ‘glam’ token of self-appreciation that a female shopper can buy herself.
“This is like THE best day of my life, I am ACTUALLY shaking,” said one of the lucky 200 fans able to meet Ms Kardashian On Stage and In Person. “I’m NEVER washing my cheek AGAIN,” screamed another, slightly red faced.
Laughing off any comments from the crowd about her closely scrutinised personal life, Ms Kardashian was warm and open with her fans, patiently signing autographs on books, DVD’s and even bare male chests (What?… Yes.) Afterwards, she stood tall and proud, a perfectly composed “real” woman indeed, who has glossed over some gritty moments in her past to enjoy the kind of pearly success that deservedly envelops any designer launching a much anticipated collection.
Alexia Petsinis,
#KardashianKollection #KhloeKadashian #Kardashian #Jupicorporation #Davidjones #Harrisscarfe #Strandbags #Novo #VictoriaStationluggage #Highpoint #Highpointshoppingcentre