Voxfrock ponders why it matters…

Once, a bag was a bag. Once, “Does it coordinate nicely?” and “How much?” were our most vexing considerations beyond the fundamental, “Shoulder, tote, clutch or kelly?” in matters of bag selection.

Once, life was simple. Now it is not. Voxfrock is not complaining. Au contraire. But, there are weighty matters and canyons of difference now, between a Gucci and a Vuitton, a Bulgari and a Prada, an Hermes or Longchamp, a Vintage Princess, Tilkah, Constance Roe, or any perfectly serviceable handbag from Kmart or Target for that matter.

A mere bag can be as complex and revealing as your IQ and psyche report, rolled into one. It can hint at your penchant for racy modernist fashion. It can pose a tangle of questions about your slavish devotion to expensive labels. Your bag is a fancy bumper sticker, a bulls-eye revelation about your need and pursuit of The Now, or your reverence for fashion history, or that quirky thing you have for unique, one-off, nothing-else-like-it artisanal designs. It’s a banner headline for your flawless taste. Or lack of that.

Your bag is the clue to you, as accurate as your eyes.

What’s your bag?


(A sifted mix of mid-range prices, good-to-fine quality, often handmade bags suitable for all demographics and end-uses from weekend to fancy, if not shmancy.)

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Janice Breen Burns, jbb@voxfrock.com.au with research by Alexia Petsinis, intern@voxfrock.com.au

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