Melbourne’s busiest social butterfly,  Shiva “The Count” Singam, was so entranced by six ruby rings commissioned by jewellery gallery e.g.etal to celebrate its 15th anniversary, he penned this elegant poem and today’s report of one momentous night..

“They brought me rubies from the mine,
And held them to the sun;
I said, they are drops of frozen wine
From Eden’s vats that run.

I looked again,–I thought them hearts
Of friends to friends unknown;
Tides that should warm each neighboring life
Are locked in sparkling stone.

But fire to thaw that ruddy snow,
To break enchanted ice,
And give love’s scarlet tides to flow,–
When shall that sun arise?”

– Shiva Singam


In the tide of ups and downs for retailers, how wonderful that a business can celebrate 15 years of success. In fact, e.g.etal is more than a retail business, it is a retail concept and long standing supporter of fledgling, established and artisan jewellers. A gallery more than mere jewellery shop.

Emma Goodsir, a renowned and practiced jeweller, conceived a space that would promulgate the art rather than the ostentation of jewellery. She opened the first e.g.etal in Little Collins Street, Melbourne and later, with a coterie of jewellers vying for an exhibition space, moved it to its current home in Flinders Lane.

To celebrate its 15th year, e.g.etal has had a make-over. Now re-rendered by Hanna Richardson and Katherine Kemp of Zwei Interior Architects, a mood of almost ‘Zen-esque’ calm counter-plays the enticing shimmer and glisten of jewels on display by some of Australia’s leading artisans.



e.g.etal also commemorated its milestone year by commissioning a special collection by six artists it has represented since its inception. The ‘Ruby’ collection features exclusive cocktail/ engagement rings priced between $3,800 and $18,000 by Camilla Gough, Nicky Hepburn, Anna Davern, Amy Renshaw, Ali Limb and e.g.etal director, Emma Goodsir.

Each of the six designs is unique and highly exemplary of the art of the jeweller. Marvel at Gough’s offering of a ruby centered ‘snapdragon blossom’….


CMG982 Snap ragon Blossom ring - close edit

..or be enticed by the perfect symmetry of Limb’s cabochon ruby and old cut diamond cluster…

ASL 1106 Ruby ring - close edit



In contrast, Davern offers a geometric triple stack track ring with square cut rubies that freely circumnavigate the gold bands,

AD2375 Ruby Bezel Track ring - close edit

…whilst Hepburn interprets the ‘crown of flowers’ in a thoroughly modern abstract rendition…

NH1423 La Couronne de Fleurs close edit

For their parts, Renshaw offers a simple but stylish bezel set ring with ruby, three diamonds and 18k gold…

AR_Goldring2_front edit

…and Goodsir cleverly plays off ruby and diamond in a modernist gold and silver layered setting….(also, main picture, top)

EGG873 Drift ring - alt edit


With Christmas and wedding season ahead, perhaps the ideal time to visit e.g.etal for a very special ‘Ruby’ purchase is now.

e.g.etal is located at 167 Flinders Lane Melbourne or visit for further information.

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