Dang! but David Jones mustered some fine-looking people for its spring/summer collections launch in Sydney. Voxfrock was particularly impressed by its quality of leg: trim, tan, ripped and well turned in the ankle area. So many excellent specimens. Squiz the top line of our Getty image gallery for proof of same. (Yes, we cherry-picked the most luscious legshots.) (No idea.)
Testament to the swank factor of this seasonal kneezup, guests without exception were flawlessly groomed, glossy as Hollywood. The salons and spas of Australia, particularly the laser depiliatory operators, spray tanners and brow pluckers, are undoubtedly in ticketyboo financial shape today. Gorgousness reigned on both carpet and catwalk. In fact,
Voxfrock’s post-show pix-clicking i-conference was a CACOPHONY of Gorgeouses, Smashings and Cuuuutes: “Gorrrgeous, isn’t she?! Megan (Gale) looks gooorrrgeous!”, “O.My.Gee. The Stenmark twins! Cuuuuute! We’re sooo running them!”, “How smashing is Brent Wilson?!”
Like. Really really smashing. Glossy lovely happy glamourous smashing people.
Photos: Caroline McCredie/Getty/
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YES, and the show. Sandwiched between the cocktail-ping-pong-chit-chat-papparazzi-snaps-and-flute-waving of the pre and post parties, there is always that. Both David Jones and Myer get cannier and cannier at plucking precisely the right weights of fashion nowness and wearable classicism from collections by their respective stables of exclusive labels. Whether they sell through before the scourge of discount season, is another issue entirely, for marketeers and merchandisers and which Voxfrock won’t tackle here. But we are fizzy with admiration for their buyers’ nouse and our favorites from Wednesday are galleried here. Bon appetit.
Photos: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images/
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Cue Cue!
Spring noticeably bubbled up across fashion’s retailscape this week, as is its relentless and eccentric custom in winter’s briskest month. Voxfrock will roll out its trend wraps as the proper season unfolds, melding what’s racked with what’s being shopped. In the meantime, here’s a Voxsample of our hands-down favorite high street brand. It’s not your Topshop, Zara or H&M with the multi-trillion-turnover bells whistles and frockywhatsits either.
It’s Cue. Aussie, clever, invariably bulls-eye-on-trend, season-after-season-after-year-after-decade. And, precious Voxfrockian fact; it’s also still mostly made right here in Australia. Sydney to be precise. This week Cue launched its spring/summer collection with a film clip that illustrates this spring’s reasons why we’ll always love it. Click “View Movie” here:
Styles pictured currently being racked at Cue stores, Cue online and Myer.
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Compiled by Jessica Smythe, Candice Burke, Janice Breen Burns and Terry Carruthers,