Adios (for now) from the VoxFrockers

One last lovely blast from the forecourts, backstage and up the runways of another stonkingly good Melbourne Fashion Festival 2025. (You’re welcome.)
The Voxfrock Rookie Crew of future fashion journalists and photographers have bumped out and skittered back to their day jobs, uni tutorials and real lives but, before they left, humbly ask you fish out wraps of their stellar work over two chockers MFF weeks here and here.
In a couple of weeks they’ll muster again for a post-fest de-brief masterclass to thrash out myriad lessons learned and to remember the glory legions of professional fashionistocrats, facilitators and managers who helped them do what they do so well.
Relentlessly professional and a joy to work with, most of the team from Event Gallery. Photo: Chrissy Dore
The VoxFrockers are deeply grateful to every single one of the many MFF movers-and-shakers who took the time to use their clout to magic up our rare-as-hens-teeth media spots in the bleachers, our slots on the runway risers, and our supervised work backstage at every show. You make work a joy.
Event Gallery’s affable bosses, director of show productions Geraldine Frater-Wyeth and fashion and events manager, Ebony Hui. Photo: Chrissy Dore
Tyler Lindsay, Back of house manager. Photo: Chrissy Dore
Nico Mauricio, back of house manager assistant. Photo: Chrissy Dore.
Special thanks to the relentlessly helpful Ebony Hui and Geraldine Frater-Wyeth of Event Gallery, the awesome and ever joyful AMPR onsite crew lead by Ashleigh Bonica and Melbourne Fashion Festival’s indefatigueable programmers Todd Anthony (fashion) and Sai-Wai Foo (independent).
Ashleigh Bonica, AMPR. Photo: Evan Lim
Carla Tobin, AMPR. Photo: Evan Lim
Sam Evans, Georgia Macleay, AMPR crew. Photo: Evan Lim
We adore you all, couldn’t live without your incredibly generous (and, so often, so sweetly delivered) support. Thank You doesn’t cover it but, we leave you with this mixed-bag shootstream of the VoxFrockers’ festival coverage as a powerful reminder of your role in elevating fashion as the deliciously complex social construct we all love to perform and, some of us, are lucky enough to report.
MFF fashion programmer Todd Anthony. Photo: Evan Lim
MFF Independent programmer Sai-Wai Foo. Photo: Liana Hardy (cropped)
Caitlin Barbieri and Mathilda Padbury, MFF Crew take a break. Photo: Evan Lim
Backstage, Fuck the Invisible Runway. Photo: Evan Lim
On the forecourt. Photo: Theadora Violet
Feeling Fashion Podcast. Photo: Tilly Parsons
From Ethan Bergerson’s collection Ecdysis. Photo: Monica Dragut
Rosie Dann, AMPR. Photo: Evan Lim
Opening Runway, Romance Was Born. Photo: Theadora Violet
Banbu. Photo: Tilly Parsons
Something Blue. Photo: Theadora Violet
Made in Melbourne. Photo, Joy Zhang (guest VoxFrocker)
MFF Crew, Molly Himpoo. Photo: Evan Lim
Guilia Ferrari and Mattia Hunter at Sustainability event. Photo: Theadora Violet


The Voxfrock Rookie Crew is a selective industry-based mentoring programme for tertiary graduates of journalism, photography and related study majors who have a genuine interest in developing high quality strategies to report, write and photograph fashion as a complex and inspiring social construct. Crews have been run for more than a decade by veteran fashion editor Janice Breen Burns (mentoring journalism) and legendary VogueAustralia shooter Monty Coles (mentoring photography). Star graduates of the Voxfrock Rookie programme, Chrissy Dore and Tilly Parsons, have also been appointed crew mentors. Many VoxFrock Rookie Crew alumni – too many to list here – have progressed to stellar careers in fashion, media and related industries. In 2023, the VoxFrock Rookie Crew was folded into the mentoring programme run by FashLab, Melbourne’s community of independent small brands and related creative professionals and craftspeople working in all categories of Victoria’s fashion industry.

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