Fresh trends, ancient muses

First Nations designers plug into muses sprung from 60 thousand years of culture and ancestry. They’re uniquely Australian, increasingly capturing imaginations around the world and recognised as rare versions of modernity and expressive fashion. Melbourne Fashion Festival was the first industry entity to introduce indiginous-only runways and Voxfrock’s newest rookie, Theadora Violet, slipped backstage to capture a skim of the ongoing tradition, this year’s batch of rising First Nations fashion stars as they mucked in for the momentous 2024 Emerging MOB in Fashion runway: Yapa Mali, Kirrikin, Lychee Alkira, Solid Ochre, Delvene Cockatoo-Collins, Corin Corcoran, Gali, Wagan Metals and Jasmine Craciun.

Photos Theadora Violet (scroll to meet the Voxfrocker)

Brand designers from left, Gali, Delvene Cockatoo Collins, Lychee Alkira, Solid Ochre, Yapa Mali, Kirrikin. Photo Theadora Violet
Kirrikin. Photo Theadora Violet
Delvene Cockatoo Collins. Photo Theadora Violet
Delvene cockatoo Collins. Photo Theadora Violet
Yapu Mali. Photo Theadora Violet
Kirrikin. Photo Theadora Violet
Yapu Mali. Photo Theadora Violet
Lychee Alkira. Photo Theadora Violet
Kirrikin. Photo Theadora Violet

Meet the Voxfrocker – Theadora Violet

Theadora Violet Burns. Photo: Chrissy Dore

Theadora is a science graduate and studied film animation and photography at Deakin University. She is also a seasoned traveller, equally passionate about photography, fashion and far-off destinations. Theadora’s fashion photography is nuanced, narrative-driven and tends to the reportage. This is her second tour on the Voxfrock Rookie Crew.

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