Melbourne Fashion Week is kaput for another year, Dear Ones. Time to muster its best bits and compose the lists and galleries that will mark this one for decades to come. For the best of the week’s “Street Beat” the Voxfrockers rely exclusively on our most beloved and dynamic duo, Estelle Michaelides and photographer Kayla Piccolo. They have trawled the town hall steps and Swanston Street surrounds to pluck their pick of punters who best embody the nature of style. For this gallery, Estelle asked those framed by Kayla’s lense: “How should fashion be approached?”, and this is what she was told….Click back later for more post-morteMFW by the Voxfrockers and our 2017 Voxfrock Rookie Crew.
Jano: “To make people feel themselves, individual and wonderful. It’s a beautiful way of expressing yourself. It’s like art.”
Suzanne Suzette: “You have to enjoy fashion and be comfortable otherwise you won’t enjoy wearing it.”
Jasmine Gescheit: “Sensibly! We’re so bombarded with fast fashion that we need to be more conscious of what and where we’re buying! “
Melissa Dimakis: “With a sense of personality and style.”
Dhanya Nambiar: “Fashion should be approached bravely!”
Zhouyi Liang: “With a mix of different Asian cultures, especially in Melbourne which is a super westernised city.”
Alex van Os: “Sustainably and full of love and passion.”
Emily Schembri: “With individuality and without fear.”
Alexandra Anderson: “Worry less about fashion and more about style.”
Joanna Elena: “A mix between painting,cinema, with costume, personality, music and rhythm. It all has to come together.”