The quest is over. Guest Voxfrockers (pictured above) Estelle Michaelides and Kayla Piccolo valiantly recorded VAMFF’s best dressed, most striking and uncommonly chic, every day, all week, and now, with hashtag-emoji-very-sad-face and heavy heart, Voxfrock bids them goodbye but urges you, dear reader, to continue exploring the work of our fearless fashionistocrat Estelle and gifted photographer Kayla, on their social streams and websites. This is their final gallery of the show-goers they plucked out of throngs around Melbourne Museum’s precinct to shoot and ask for the last time for Voxfrock: “Which three words best describe you?”, to which Rebecca Johnson, for example, (main photo, top of post) replied: “Spontaneous, creative and fun.” A bit like a typical day out at VAMFF.

Which three words best describe you, Claire Akom? “Fun, loyal and thoughtful.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Kyra Pybus? “Fantasist, explorer and monkey business.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Simone Farrugia? “Reliable, funny and caring.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Sarah McCall? “Bright, colourful and an over thinker.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Naomi? “Bubbly, friendly and playful.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Kristine Walker? “Weird, random and entertaining.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Danielle Victoria Goodwin? “Sophisticated, chic and flirtatious.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo.

Which three words best describe you, Alexia Petsinis? “Artistic, spontaneous, experimental.” Photo: Kayla Piccolo

Which three words best describe you, Ginny Dimitri (mum)? “Caring, funny, lively.” And you, Isabella? “Blooming, creative, generous.”
Photo: Kayla Piccolo